Yesterday in Connecticut, we finally had a nice layering of snow to make it feel like winter. It was one of those beautiful heavy snows that make the evergreens look so pretty as the snow paints itself along their branches. And what better books to read then SNOW books! Here are some snowy books to enjoy while either dealing with the snow or if you're in some beautiful warm and sunny part of the world, thinking about what that white stuff is all about! Here is a cozy mystery, a bit of magical fiction, and an anthology hot enough to melt any snow on the roof...

Sarah Addison Allen writes wonderful stories. She fills them with a bit of mystery, a sprinkling of magic and memorable characters. I loved her novel, The Peach Keeper. And First Frost welcomes back characters from her book Garden Spells, so a treat for anyone who has read that. I've read that this could be a stand alone novel, meaning that you don't have to read the previous book where the characters were introduced to enjoy this book, but I think I myself might indulge in Garden Spells first, so I can enjoy the characters from that first book and see how they grew.
Snowy Days, Steamy Nights: Come in From the Cold. An Anthology of 6 sexy snow romances by 6 award-winning romance writers. These are novella's that will have you enjoying being snow bound. Here are the novella's included and their authors... romance authors:
FROSTED, by Katy Regnery
GROUNDED, by Kate Forest
MELTED, by Jennie Marts
REKINDLED, by Susan Scott Shelley
SMITTENED, by Jamie Farrell
SNOWED, by Veronica Forand
I love these romance anthologies. They usually have great writing, the stories are a bit shorter so that you can read them in one night, and even if I'm familiar with one or two authors, I sometimes find new authors that I was not familiar with and could sample their writing. This is a Kindle or Nook treat! Right now this anthology is a bargain at $2.99 for either your Kindle or Nook. Click on whichever eReader you feed for the direct link. You can read all about the individual stories on Goodreads.
Weekly ReCap…

I also made a trip to the library this week. One of the books I returned was Lives of the Novelists: A History of Fiction in 294 Lives by John Sutherland. It is a tome at 800 plus pages. I did not read ALL of the entries, but enjoyed reading bits and pieces about favorite authors. The author covers some 17th century authors all the way to 20th century. From authors such as Paul Bunyan to Stephen King. Of course not every author is covered, but a breathe of oldies but goodies. I found it interesting, but not inspiring. Something that I thought I would be dying to buy a copy of my own because it was so fascinating, but in reality the writing just did not grab me. I wouldn't call it dull, more like factual. It's a good book to check out of the library.
Along those same lines, but definitely a much better read, I checked out Letters of Note: An Eclectic Collection of Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience by Shaun Usher. Maybe it's a little voyeuristic, but it's so interesting to read through these letters. The last letter Virginia Wolff wrote to her husband before she committed suicide, A letter Mary Queen of Scotts wrote to her brother-in-law before her fate was sealed and even a letter from Elvis Presley to President Nixon. Look for my full review coming next week.
How was your reading week? Any books you'd like to share? How about any "Snow" reads?! And, did you participate in the National Readathon Day, saturday? Hope you found something here to read!
Happy Reading… Suzanne
I'll be honest that I'm not much for reading books about snow or cold in the winter. For that reason, at the start of the year, I abandoned - for the time being - a crime fiction series set in Scandinavia. Murder and snow...just what I don't need to think about in the...well...dead of winter, I guess. I'd rather read something humorous, I guess. For example, I did read Amy Poehler's Yes Please earlier this winter and like you, I enjoyed it.
Hi Bryan!
Yes, I think that my seasonal reads really come into play in the summer time. That's when I read fun, light, and other genre's I usually don't read. As for winter, I'm with you about reading about snow… just too much here to want to read about any more of it! ;-) .
Thanks for sharing and stopping by!
Funny, but I loved Lives of the Novelists. Oh well, different strokes and all!
Hi Deb!
I checked out Lives of the Novelists because of your great recommendation! But, I guess I just didn't have enough time to really "enjoy" it. I was overwhelmed and found what I read interesting. But I wanted more. I LOVE the other recommendation I garnered from you - Letter of Note! And sometimes it's not so much different strokes as "in the mood". Sometimes we are just not in the right mood to read non-fiction.
I do love your recommendations though and will always trust your opinions! Wish you were my hometown librarian!!
Thanks for sharing! And stopping by!
Like your snow theme though I don't think I even want to read about snow let alone see it or shovel it. So far all we have gotten in my corner or central VA is rain -- and it looks like it might stay that way for yet another week.
I love your "snow" and "frost" theme. I will be downloading First Frost soon....and, well, my name is "Snow," so I'm a fan of it. LOL
Love your welcoming photo with The Girl on the Train...I hope to be reading my copy soon.
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