What is the Sunday Salon? Imagine some university library's vast reading room. It's filled with people--students and faculty and strangers who've wandered in. They're seated at great oaken desks, books piled all around them, and they're all feverishly reading and jotting notes in their leather-bound journals as they go. Later they'll mill around the open dictionaries and compare their thoughts on the afternoon's literary intake...

Today wraps up Banned Books Week. A week to celebrate the freedom to read. It's been a wonderful week to share favorite books, discover new books and talk about the challenges that face authors whose words may offend some and inspire others...
During this week there has been chatter about how Banned Books Week is really a fallacy- that even if a book is banned somewhere such as your child's library, that you can still get the book elsewhere. So that really books aren't banned in the sense that you CAN'T get them, so why Banned Books Week?
Banned Books Week to me is the celebration of the freedom to read & the freedom of expression. Yes, in the truest sense of the word, banned may not be accurate in the U.S. because even if the book is banned somewhere, you should be able to purchase the book elsewhere. But it's the threat to our freedoms, the threat to our talented writers who may feel inhibited in their writing that makes this one week important, a week to examine the books that are challenged & banned and the reasons behind the controversies. If readers never said a word and let every book that someone didn't approve of be removed from the shelves, how many books would be left?
So Thank You to everyone who shared their thoughts, books and links to their blogs in order for us all to appreciate the written word! I know I discovered new books to read! And of course I spent the week with Holden Caulfield... I'll catch you up later with that...
In the meantime... as a special thank you for everyone who followed along here with Banned Books Week, and Chick with Books readers, I'm going to giveaway one paperback copy of ANY of the "Banned Books" I talked about this week for banned book week! So, starting with last weeks Sunday Salon which highlighted 3 banned books, just leave a comment letting me know which banned or challenged book you'd like to read , and leave me your email address too! The giveaway is open to EVERYone (as long as I can mail a book to you!) and that means INTERNATIONAL! The giveaway will end next Sunday October 11th at 11:59 Pm!
Next sunday, Sunday Salon will be back with some great recommendations and books that caught my eye! Monday Memoirs will be taken over by 2 great books that are being highlighted all over the reading blogosphere for that one day. (Memoir Monday will be back the following monday!). October is National Reading Group Month and we'll be talking about that next week, and recommending some great book club reads. So, stop by next week and in the meantime, enter the giveaway for a banned book! Leave me a comment below!
Happy Reading... Suzanne
Nice idea for a contest. I appreciate the recap of Banned Book week as I was so busy reading this week that I did not get around the blogosphere very much!
Thanks for the great week highlighting banned books, and what a great idead for a giveaway. Actually I have already read several of the books you featured (I like to read banned book just because I can), but I have not yet read I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, so that would be my pick if I were to win.
Thank you,
ludeluh at yahoo dot com
I agree with your personal definition of Banned Book Week, Suzanne. That is what it means for me too. It's not just about the availability of books or someone telling me I can't read a particular a book. It is about the freedom to read and to express my own views and thoughts.
I hope you have a great week, Suzanne!
Clever giveaway! I would pick My Sisters Keeper. I've wanted to read this but never have.
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I, also, was glad to read your recap of banned book week! I cannot get over the tawdry 'reasons' people give to BAN BOOKS!!! The talking animals in Charlotte's Web?!?! Give me a break! Charlotte's Web is a wonderful book, and it epitomizes faith, belief, courage and people (animals lol) working together. God, I remember crying at the end of it :)
Anyway, I'm with YOU, Suzanne - it's important to take a stand for our right to read!!!
Thanks for the recap, it was excellent and led me back to the other related posts.
And, I'd LOVE to read Pillars of the Earth - I've heard before in passing how good this book is, but I've never had the chance to read it. I love historical novels, too.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
And I am a follower as well.
Your thoughts on BBW are similar to my reasons to join in even though we don't have a banned books week here. Of course we do have a special book week each year and children's book week week (which starts this Wednesday), but those do not emphasize the freedom to read (love the poster btw ;)
Cool giveaway as well :)) I had just put Pillars of Earth on my wishlist because you were the X person to rave about it :) So I would like to join in for Ken Follets book!
gnoe [dot] gnoe [at] laposte [dot] net
I would love to read "My Sister's Keeper" as I've seen the movie but haven't read the book. I've heard such great things about it though.
melacan at hotmail dot com
I really liked your commentary during Banned Books Week. Some of these books, I'd had no idea were banned! I have - somehow - never read Catcher in the Rye, and I would really really like to read it. Seriously. Really want it :)
Please enter me to win The Catcher in the Rye.
I would love to have a copy of Catcher in the Rye. Mine is about 35 years old or more and the pages are falling out. Either that or Charlotte's Web.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I'd love to read 'Their Eyes were Watching God'.
kkhaas AT bellsouth DOT net
I would love to read "My Sister's Keeper". Even if your post on it hand't mentioned the fascinating premise, the book's cover would have made me curious.
Marian - mdperera at hotmail dot com
You did a fantastic job posting about Banned Books week and highlighting some wonderful books. I agree with you that it's about Freedom, the freedom to read what we want to read whenever we want.
I would love to win The Kite Runner which I haven't read yet.
Thank you for this giveaway.
Please enter me to win "Their Eyes Were Watching God." Thanks!
saemmerson at yahoo dot com
Sarah Emmerson
Wow, great giveaway idea! I've already read some of the books you mentioned, but I'd like to try The Pillars of the Earth. A good friend of mine recommended the book, but I haven't been able to check it out of the library yet, because it's already been checked out by someone else!
I would love to read "My Sister's Keeper"! Thanks for entering me- I'm so glad that I've had the chance to read many of these (unfairly) banned books- my world is richer as a result!
I would really like to read The Pillars of the Earth because I never had time to do so before. Thank you very much!
hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've got My Sister's Keeper on my Wish List.
I can't understand why some of the books on the banned list are on it. Am I missing something?
readingatthebeach at gmail dot com
Please enter me to win The catcher in the rye.
The Catcher in the Rye arrived today. THANKS SUZANNE! I'm looking forward to rereading it.
Hi stpand!
Enjoy the book! Thanks for letting me know it got to you safe and sound!
Happy re-reading!
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