Literary Quote of the Month

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

Friday, June 4, 2010

Giveaway & Review: 101 Things I Learned in Culinary School by Louis Eguaras with Matthew Frederick

A Little Gem of a Book for The Cook in Your Life!

And the Winners are... Michele, Laurie & Lynn! Congrats! And Thank you to EVERYONE who joined in on the fun by entering, blogging and tweeting!

Louis Eguaras, a renowned chef at the Le Cordon Bleu Program at the California School of Culinary Arts, provides readers with a terrific overview of what is truly involved in the preparation, cooking, and presentation of meals. He also provides invaluable insights into just what is involved in making this one's chosen profession.

The book will feature a wide range of illustrated lessons, from how to properly hold a knife... to the history of food... from food preparation and presentation... to restaurant hospitality and management, and much more.

I thought 101 Things I Learned in Culinary School by Louis Eguaras and (illustrated) by Matthew Frederick was a wonderful little book. From basic information every cook should know, like the five knives that do 95 % of the work, to what Amuse-bouche is. From what the prime cuts of meat are, and where they are located on the animal, to answering the age old question, "why the chef's jacket is double breasted"? Tips and techniques, insights into becoming a chef and practical information like "How to put out a grease fire", are all tidbits you'll find within the 101 pages of this book. Every flip of a page lands you to something interesting to read or look at (there is an accompanying illustration to visually explain each bit of information).

A little smaller than the size of a trade paperback, this book can easily fit in a purse or jacket pocket. It would be a perfect little book to tuck away inside a basket filled with gifts for the cook! Hardcover and beautifully bound, 101 Things I Learned in Culinary School would make a great addition to your kitchen for all it's practical information, or a great gift for someone who loves to cook. Perfect for someone just starting out in the kitchen or interested in the culinary arts! I love to cook and I found a lot of interesting info and great practical information too!

Is there a Cook you know that might like this book?! It would make a great gift! Well, Courtesy of Anna of Hachette Book Group, I have 3 copies of 101 Things I Learned in Culinary School by Louis Eguaras with Matthew Frederick to GIVE AWAY! Here's how to Enter...

To Enter this giveaway...

*For one entry leave me a comment with your email address!

*For another entry Blog or tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link.

*Get a Bonus entry by sharing a kitchen tip in your comment! Here's one from 101 Things I Learned in Culinary School... to hold a chefs knife properly, pretend you are shaking hands with your knife! (make sure you're just holding the handle & the blade is DOWN though!)

This giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents only (No PO boxes). The books will be shipped to the winners directly from the publisher. Contest ends 11:59pm EST on June 19th. I will randomly pick the winners the next day and email them! (please check your email.. winner must reply to me within 3 days! Thanks!) Good Luck!

*I want to Thank Anna of Hachette Book Group for sending along a copy of 101 Things I Learned in Culinary School to review!


Linda said...

This sounds like the perfect book to share with my 18-year-old granddaughter who is just learning the joy of being a cook.

My kitchen tip: when needing to line a casserole dish with foil, turn the pan up-side-down and mold the foil over the bottom of the dish. It's then much easier to 'drop' the foil into the dish.

chey said...

I'm looking forward to reading this book!

Kitchen tip: vinegar is a great deoderizer

stpand said...

Please enter me.

kitchen tip: to form big chocolate chip cookies easily use a small meatballer

Darlene said...

Hi Suzanne, I've got this posted over at Win a Book for you :)

Anonymous said...

I love to cook and would appreciate being entered. A kitchen tip I read somewhere but haven't tried is to freeze leftover wine in an ice cube tray for use in recipes later.

carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

Ashley said...

I could really use some kitchen tips!!

hewella1 at gmail dot com

JHS said...

I need all the help in the kitchen I can get!

Here's my "tip" (I don't know if it really qualifies): I love Paula Deene, but she uses so much butter, sour cream, cheese, etc. in her recipes. I substitute low-fat margarine, nonfat sour cream, and even nonfat cheese. The dishes are still tasty & not so rich that you feel ill afterward. This is esp. true with her corn casserole that my boys and I LOVE.


admin at jhsiess dot com

baileythebookworm said...

I would love to read this! I have a list of food allergies about a mile long, so I have been forced to learn how to cook for myself -and the biggest tip I can offer to anyone is to try new things! I've learned how to make some very strange dishes, like fesenjan (it's a walnut and pomegranate soup -so tasty!!), just by being open to new recipes and experimenting.


Michele said...

Please enter me.
I follow your blog.

Kitchen tip: instead of frying eggplant, spritz with olive oil and broil. This gives it a better taste and saves lots of calories.

carla said...

I think this one sounds really cool and would love a chance to win.

cjay (at) iavalley (dot) edu

1 cup cake flour = 1 cup minus 2 Tablespoons all purpose flour


Laurie G said...

I've been married for 33 years and I would like to get out of my cooking rut. This book sounds enlightening! I could use some new ideas. HELP!
when using yeast make sure the water temperature does not get too hot over 110*F It will kill the yeast. Add a little sugar to the dissolving mixture of water and yeast, the yeast eats the sugar.

johnslake at usa dot com

Unknown said...

This book looks awesome! I love cooking and would love to learn more especially from a former culinary student! My email is I tweeted about this ( Tip: To slice meat into thin strips, as for Chinese dishes - partially freeze and it will slice easily. Thanks for this awesome contest!

Lydia LeRoy-Williams said...

I would love to win this book!! :) I'm so into cooking lately and w/fresh things from the farmers market!!

Tip: 1)wash mushrooms w/damp wash cloth rather than immersing them in water 2)always remember you can substitute so many things, like honey for sugar in some recipies.

Dawn M. said...

This sounds like a great book to have in the kitchen. I'm sure I'd learn a lot from it.

My tip: If you're cooking with tomatoes and they're too tangy, add a pinch or two of sugar. It will tone it right down. Just don't add too much or it'll be too sweet.

Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Lasha said...

This book is just what i need, my dream is to be a chef or a food writer. Im a big foodie, i think about cooking and food 24/7. I would love to attend culinary school one day when i save enough money, it would be amazing. Thanks so much for this giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I would so love to win this
thriftycanucks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you via GFC as ThriftyCanucks
thriftycanucks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted this

thriftycanucks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My kitchen tip would be to use 2 cutting boards, one for meat and one for fruits and veggies. Just for health reasons.

thriftycanucks at gmail dot com

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