Literary Quote of the Month

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

Monday, November 23, 2009

Memoir Mondays... Lift by Rebecca O'Connor, a Review AND Giveaway!

A Special Love Story ...Between a Girl and a Bird

CONGRATULATIONS TO RUBYNREBA! She won the copy of Lift by Rebecca O'Connor! THANK YOU to everyone who joined in on the fun! And thank you for all the tweets and blogging to get out the word! Have a wonderful Holiday!

The girl is Rebecca O'Connor, a falconer, and the bird is Anakin, a peregrine falcon. Their relationship is a special one and so is the book that chronicles Rebecca & Anakin's first year together: Lift.

Lift by Rebeccan O'Connor is a wonderfully written moving memoir that follows the journey of a little girl who gazed upon the beauty of a peregrine falcon that made a chance stop high above her one day and was captivated. I can relate to the beauty of the flight of these majestic birds, as I watch the magnificence of the red-tailed hawk that lives in the woods behind my house. As he glides thru the sky and I follow him with my binoculars, I imagine how amazing it would be to have a relationship with him. But having this special relationship, being a falconer, takes dedication. The relationship is one of trust. They are hunting partners- human and falcon. Rebecca's job is to flush out the game and to protect her partner from other predators. Anakin learns to trust that Rebecca will do her job well. And Rebecca trusts Anakin will return to her after the hunt. The story of Rebecca and Anakin learning to work together is fascinating. Even though we are experiencing the hunt , the killing, we are gently reminded that this is a predatory bird, a wild bird at heart, and that in order to survive must eat. This is what a peregrine falcon would do in the wild... and at times Rebecca must remind herself as she plays her part in the hunt.

"Falconry is a religion, a way of thinking, a means of experiencing life. True falconers are compassionate, clear-eyed straight shooters. We've touched nature's senseless violence, clung to her stray miracles, and this alters our beliefs."

Sprinked in between the story of Rebecca and Anakin, we learn about Rebecca's life growing up, her abusive stepfather, her complex relationship with her mother, a beloved grandfather, and a boyfriend. All of whom make contributions to the person that Rebecca becomes. We watch as Rebecca blooms into a confident falconer, and woman, in a world dominated by men. It's a wonderfully written, heartfelt story that is just so special. Would you like to find out more about Rebecca and falconry? She has a blog called Operation Delta Duck where there is a Falconry FAQ. There are also some wonderful posts, one of which is called Animal Teachers Past where Rebecca writes,

One of the things that falconers learn to accept is that the animals we love the most are not ours to keep. Some we choose to have in our lives for a short period, lending them a helping hand and sending them on their way. Whether they are foster dogs on their way to a new beginning or injured raptors being prepped for release back into the wild, they still touch our lives in deep ways.

This expresses some of the beauty of Falconry that I learned from reading Lift. Enter the world of falconry... read Lift! Would you like to win a copy of LIFT? Rebecca has decided to generously give one of my lucky readers a SIGNED copy of Lift!

To Enter This Giveaway...

*For one entry leave me a comment with your email address!

*Get an extra entry for following my blog! Just leave a comment letting me know you're a follower! ( Not a follower yet? No problem, sign up by clicking on the 'followers" button! Just let me know you became a new follower!)

*Blog or tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link.

This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only! (No PO Boxes) Contest ends 11:59pm EST on Dec. 19th. I will randomly pick the winner the next day and email him or her! (please check your email.. winner must reply to me within 3 days! Thanks!) Winner will receive a signed copy of Lift directly from Rebecca! Good Luck!

**And Thank You Rebecca for sending me a review copy of Lift! It was a pleasure to read!


rubynreba said...

Your review really makes me want to read this - thanks for the chance!

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I'd love to learn more about falconry.

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I follow via Google Reader.

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Tam @ Bailey's and Books said...

This book seems so interesting, please enter me:
baileysandbooks (at) gmail (dot) com.

I am also a follower via Google Reader.


Anonymous said...

I would love, love to read this memoir. I've read about this bird in a lot of Medieval romances. I would love to read a true person's account about living and training the bird, etc.


tea said...

I have been following you already.

Anonymous said...

I have tweeted you. teakettle58atyahoodotcom

Harvee said...

I already have this book but wanted to say I also enjoyed reading about the falcon and the author's relationship with it and the natural world. I gave it 5 stars in my review! Enjoyed your comments on the book.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I was glad to read your review and to see how much you liked this one. I have it but have not read it yet. I must do so soon. Thanks

Heidi V said...

This book sounds like a wonderful read!

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Michele said...

Please enter me.

sharon54220 said...

I loved your review. Memoirs are one of my most favorite genres to read.

Please enter me.

sharon54220 said...

I am also a follwer.

stpand said...

please enter me

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the review!

Jennifer said...

I follow you via Google reader, too!

Jennifer said...

Here is my tweet!

Joan said...

Thanks for the review! I would appreciate input on mine at


Joan said...

I'm a new follower! Thanks, Joan

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Simply Stacie said...

I follow.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Ally said...

Please enter me

allygotts567 AT hotmail DOT com

tinatre said...

i've always been interested in falcons.

Sarah E said...

Please enter me in this giveaway! I am a bird watcher and would love to read this book!

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

Sarah Emmerson

Sarah E said...

I follow your blog.

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

Sarah Emmerson

Sarah E said...

I retweeted:

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

Sarah Emmerson

stpand said...

please enter me

DarcyO said...

Sounds like a winner. Please include me.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

DarcyO said...

I follow.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

DarcyO said...


dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Melissa (Books R Us) said...

Please enter me in the contest


I am a follower


ABCD Diaries said...

Thanks for the chance!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com

ABCD Diaries said...

Follower:) Thanks for the chance!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com

Denny, Alaska said...

Sounds like an enchanting story! Please enter my name in the giveaway. Thanks!


FrankSandy said...

Please enter me.

dsandyboy said...

Enter me please.

Melissa (Books R Us) said...

Please enter me.


Melissa (Books R Us) said...

I am a follower


Melissa (Books R Us) said...



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