That night, when Mrs. Chamberlain called, Emira could only piece together the words “…take Briar somewhere…” and “…pay you double.”
In a crowded apartment and across from someone screaming “That’s my song!,” Emira stood next to her girlfriends Zara, Josefa, and Shaunie. It was a Saturday night in September, and there was a little over an hour left of Shaunie’s twenty-sixth birthday. Emira turned the volume up on her phone and asked Mrs. Chamberlain to say it again.
………… Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid
I just read a blurb about this book in Entertainment Weekly. In that blurb we find out what Emira decides and... what happens. Do these first lines make you want to keep going? I found it intriguing... and I guess someone else did too, because even before this novel hits the shelves December 31st, the rights to a movie deal have already been signed.
Read an excerpt and decide for yourself at Penguin Random House. You can also listen to an excerpt there too!
Categorized as Literary Fiction; Women's Fiction and published by G.P. Putnam Sons, an imprint of Penguin group.
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