"The body was blue.Not merely wearing blue, he was blue -- and not the blue pallor of death. He was sapphire from head to toe, a deep shade of mood indigo."
Shot Through Velvet by Ellen Byerrum,
part of her Crime of Fashion Mystery series
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"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons
"The body was blue.Not merely wearing blue, he was blue -- and not the blue pallor of death. He was sapphire from head to toe, a deep shade of mood indigo."
Well, that's interesting. Why's he blue? And is he dead?
I began a "meme" which I call First Line Friday. I actually posted late Thursday night...cheating, I know :D
Oh Carol, doesn't that first line make you want to turn that first page! I'll let you know when I finish it! Until then, you can find the first chapter here:
Hi Kathy!
Don't you just love first lines! Thanks for leaving your link! I hopped right over there to pay you a visit and check out your "first line" selection! And it was a great first line!
Great lines and I love that cover!
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