Literary Quote of the Month

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glorious by Bernice McFadden... A Review

"God balances the sheet in time"
... Zora Neale Hurston

Back of the Book... Glorious is set against the backdrops of the Jim Crow South, the Harlem Renaissance, and the civil rights era. Blending the truth of American history with the fruits of Bernice L. McFadden’s rich imagination, this is the story of Easter Venetta Bartlett, a fictional Harlem Renaissance writer whose tumultuous path to success, ruin, and revival offers a candid portrait of the American experience in all its beauty and cruelty.

Bernice McFadden wants you to pay attention to the words you're reading on the pages. She wants you to feel what it was like to live during the cruelty that existed in the South during the early 20th century. She brings you into Harlem so you can see and feel the world around you during the civil rights era... She shocks you by showing you what could have been glanced over by a less honest writer, and she wraps her arms around you and brings you into the story.

Bernice McFadden creates wonderful women characters. They are strong, resilient and complicated. Easter Bartlett is one of those women. She is Glorious. Her life is heartbreaking, cruel, and gripping. Glorious is thought-provoking, as we are immediately thrown into the rape of Easter's sister, the horror of a lynching of a pregnant girl, and a back room abortion. I felt like she slapped me across the face to make sure I was looking so I could see, really see how it was... But through all of this Easter never loses her self, her pride, and her dream, her dream of writing... Getting past the shocking start to Glorious was a challenge, but well worth it. Easter is such a wonderful character I found myself becoming protective of her, wanting to make sure she was alright, so I kept turning those pages. And her life was so varied and interesting. Bernice is a master storyteller. Her stories are filled with living breathing characters, characters that are flawed, feel love, and feel pain... Characters that will wrap themselves around your heart... The characters in Glorious are no different, and you will be drawn into the story immediately. Glorious is great writing, a powerful story, and in the hands of Bernice McFadden, haunting...

Bernice blends fact and fiction as she creates Easter, a fictional Harlem Renaissance writer. The story of African-American writers who, during the era of segregation, were discounted simply because of their skin color is true. One such wonderful writer that comes to mind is Zora Neale Hurston, who died in virtual obscurity in an unmarked grave, but thanks to the efforts of the writer Alice Walker, had her own renaissance.

I want to thank Bernice McFadden who sent along a copy of Glorious for me to review. Thank you Bernice, Glorious is such an incredible story! I enjoyed reading it!


Kaye said...

Wow, Suzanne, that book sounds fantastic! It's an amazing writer that can make you feel such heartache as if you were part of the story. Glad you enjoyed the book.

Have a great week and happy reading!

Unknown said...

Glorious,sounds glorious! I always enjoy historical fiction, especially those set in the Harlem Renaissance.

Unknown said...

I follow your blog on twitter.

Chrystal said...

Hello Suzanne,
I enjoyed this post, and I know that Bernice McFadden's latest novel, Glorious is wonderful. I would LOVE to have an autograph copy to add to my collection of McFadden books - I am truly a fan of her work, she's a great Author.

I am already a follower of your blog, I will also post this to my blog in a moment.

Anonymous said...

i'm interested in this book...thanks for the chance to read it

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Already following Chick with Books with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}]

Anonymous said...

Tweeted the giveaway

stpand said...

Please enter me, I am a follower.

suzie said...

sounds like a good read

suzie said...

follow with GFC

suzie said...


Martha Lawson said...

I would love to read this book! It sounds amazing. Please enter me.

I am a follower on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Carina said...

This book sounds really interesting!

I'm already a follower, using Google Reader. My email is carina(dot)riffert(dot)schneider(at)gmail(dot)com. I've posted a link to this giveaway on twitter.

Linda Kish said...

This book sounds really good.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...


lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

All posted at Win a Book for you Suzanne :)

holdenj said...

Wow, it sounds like a good book, definitely should be added to the TBR list! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the contest & Thx.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds great. Please enter me

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower too

Anonymous said...

I tweeted this giveaway

Margie said...

Sounds interesting. Count me in.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Michele said...

Please enter me to win, I love historical fiction!

Michele said...

I follow your blog.

bevsclark said...

I would like to be included in the drawing. Thanks.

bevsclark at gmail dot com

bevsclark said...

I am a google reader follower.

Unknown said...

I love historical fiction and would enjoy the chance to read this book.

Debbie F said...

Please include me! looks great!


dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Debbie F said...

I'm a follower!

dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Wanda said...

Loved your review! Please enter my name for a chance to win, thanks.

I follow and will post here.

wheresmyrain said...

sounds really interesting

wheresmyrain said...

i follow you

wheresmyrain at yahoo dot com

Margie said...

I'm a follower
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Elise said...

Elise said...

I am a follower via google connect

Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Simply Stacie said...

I follow!

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

A Musing Mother said...

This looks like a fun read!

ntaylor228 at yahoo dot com

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