Literary Quote of the Month

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze... Blog Tour Stop, Review AND Giveaway!


Back of the Book... Crossroads Crisis Center owner Benjamin Brandt was a content man—in his faith, his work, and his family. Then in a flash, everything he loved was snatched away. His wife and son were murdered, and grief-stricken Ben lost faith. Determination to find their killers keeps him going, but after three years of dead ends and torment, his hope is dying too. Why had he survived? He’d failed to protect his family.

Now, a mysterious woman appears at Crossroads seeking answers and help—a victim who eerily resembles Ben’s deceased wife, Susan. A woman robbed of her identity, her life, of everything except her faith—and Susan’s necklace.

The connections between the two women mount, exceeding coincidence, and to keep the truth hidden, someone is willing to kill. Finding out who and why turns Ben and the mystery woman’s situation from dangerous to deadly. Their only hope for survival is to work together, trust each other, and face whatever they discover head on, no matter how painful. But will that be enough to save their lives and heal their tattered hearts?

My Thoughts... Would you give your life to save another? That is the first question I asked myself when I opened the pages of Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze, because that is the first choice someone made in the prologue... "You know what I want..." and the results are deadly for the woman who makes that choice, and it also starts a whole chain of events that make up such a great suspense thriller.

Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze was such a page-turner! The plot was so intriguing- a woman who is left for dead, who has no idea who she is, finds herself at a crisis center and in the presence of a man, whose wife was murdered and who she is the dead ringer for. What is their connection? Who is she? What is going on? Vicki Hinze seamlessly weaves such an amazing story with murder, crosses & double-crosses, mystery & intrigue, and even adds a touch of multinational terrorism. As we are introduced to all the parties involved, the way they fit slowly comes together for a really satisfying read. Vicki even adds a bit of comic relief in there with a couple of thugs whose logic behind their plots and subplots are laughable (but still deadly).

I had never read any novels by Vicki Hinze before, and didn't know what to expect. What I found out was that Vicki is a terrific writer! Forget Me Not grabbed my attention from the start and kept me turning those pages. It's suspense, mystery, thriller and romance all rolled up in one. The plot intrigued me from the start - the thought of not knowing who you are, but knowing you are in such mortal danger; trying to survive, while at the same time trying to find out who you are... This is also considered Christian fiction with choices guided by faith based morals. But the novel doesn't get preachy, and was actually refreshing.

Forget Me Not was addictive. I just couldn't put it down. (I finished it one day!) If you like a good mystery with plenty of suspense, Forget Me Not is one for your nightstand. The story easily flows between characters and settings, building up to a great ending. I want to thank Liz of WaterBrook Multnomah for sending along a review copy! Thanks Liz, it was a wonderful read! Would YOU like to read an excerpt of Forget Me Not? You can learn more about Forget Me Not AND read an excerpt at the publishers site,!

About the Author... Vicki Hinze is an award-winning author of twenty-three novels, three nonfiction books, and hundreds of articles. Selected for Who’s Who in America in 2004 as a writer and educator, Hinze is active in Romance Writers of America and serves as a Vice President on the International Thriller Writers Board of Directors. Vicki lives in Florida with her artist husband, a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. Visit to learn more about Vicki’s books, blogs, and writing programs.

*P.S. This Book is Kindle Ready!


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

This book is on my wish list, please count me in.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

The first thing I would want to
know is my name.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

fredamans said...

I would like to read this one.


fredamans said...

Public follower.


fredamans said...



fredamans said...

I would want to remember my family.


Anonymous said...

Tweeted the giveaway

Anonymous said...

If woke up without your memory, I'd first want to know my name.

Darlene said...

All posted at Win a Book Suzanne :)

holdenj said...

Looks like an exciting read, thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the contest & Thx.

Anonymous said...

Hi, please enter me, sounds like a great book.

I'd want to know:
who am i
where am i
do i have any family
what happened


Linda Kish said...

This sounds like a great read

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...


lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Yvonne said...

I'd love to be entered in this.


Yvonne said...

I'm a follower


Yvonne said...

First thing I'd want to know is "Who am I?"


Martha Lawson said...

This one sounds so good! I'd love to win it.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Martha Lawson said...

I am a follower.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Martha Lawson said...

I would want to know my name and age!

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog,

Anonymous said...

I tweeted the giveaway

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh I want to know everything about my life at least all the good stuff. Like who I am and who are the people that love me.

Unknown said...

This is a great review! Forget Me Not sounds like a good read for those who love a romantic thriller. Another book you might enjoy just came out called, "Her Mother’s Hope." This is a historical and romance drama about four generations of women. The story begins at the turn of the century and leads into the WWII era. I couldn't put it down!

Margie said...

Sounds like a page-turner! Count me in.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Margie said...

blog follower via GFC
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Margie said...

If I had no memory....I'd want to know my name and details of my family.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Judylynn said...

Please enter me in this giveaway. Thanks!


Judylynn said...

I'd probably want to know who I was if I woke with no memory.


suzie said...

would like to read this

suzie said...


suzie said...

want to know where my family was

Michele said...

Please enter me.

michele said...

I follow your blog.

bevsclark said...

I am always on the look out for new authors. Your review sold me! Please include me in the drawing.

bevsclark at gmail dot com

bevsclark said...

I am a goolge reader follower.

bevsclark said...

If I woke up without my memory, the first thing I would want to know is where the bathroom is located!

Unknown said...

I would love to read this book.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the giveaway!


Jennifer said...

I'm a follower.

Jennifer said...

If I woke up without my memory, the first thing I would want to know is EVERYTHING about me! :)

Ashley said...

The first memory I would want to know is anything about my family and loved ones.

angie said...

I have heard great things about this book and have been wanting to read it!
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com

angie said...

I am a blog follower
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com

angie said...

I tweeted
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com

angie said...

The first thing I would want to know is my name and how I ended up where I was.
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com

skkorman said...

Sounds like a good read—please enter me to win!

skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

Elise said...

Elise said...

I am a public follower.

Simply Stacie said...

I follow!

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Judylynn said...

I am a follower!


Nancye said...

Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...

If I lost my memory I guess I would like to know who I was first.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Aisle B said...

You review made me want to stop reading my own Lisa Jackson thriller If She Only Knew. The premise for this Jackson thriller is keeping me on my toes, literally can't stop reading but now... I have to consider Hinze's Forget Me Not. Putting my karma to use & hoping it pulls through.
Enjoyed your review and I will put this one on my wishlist next.

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