Watership Down originally started as a story Richard Adams told his 2 daughters during a long ride into the country. From there it went on to become an international success with 50 million copies and translated into 18 languages.
I remember someone reading this in high school, when I asked what it was about. I in turn bought my own copy and loved it. A timeless classic that has been praised and panned over the years. People have compared it to Animal Farm by George Orwell and Wind in The Willows by Kenneth Grahame, but in my opinion, Watership Down stands on its own about Love & honor, friendship and adventure.
In a statement announcing Richard Adams' death, a passage from the end of Watership Down was quoted...
“It seemed to Hazel that he would not be needing his body any more, so he left it lying on the edge of the ditch, but stopped for a moment to watch his rabbits and to try to get used to the extraordinary feeling that strength and speed were flowing inexhaustibly out of him into their sleek young bodies and healthy senses.
“‘You needn’t worry about them,’ said his companion. ‘They’ll be alright – and thousands like them.”’
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