Literary Quote of the Month

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

Monday, January 18, 2016

Mailbox Monday

In My Mailbox... I've received some wonderful books last week! And I decided I would join in on the fun sharing them with you and the other bloggers participating in Mailbox Monday!

Mailbox Monday is a weekly event for bloggers to share what books arrived in their mailboxes. Mailbox Monday was originally created by Marcia of To Be Continued and is now hosted by Vicki, Serena and Leslie at Mailbox Monday's own blog.

3 Books came in the mail and more for my eReader, which is filled to capacity now! First, I am so excited about receiving Mingmei Yip's latest book, The Witch's Market. She is an amazing writer, who mixes her knowledge of Chinese folklore with her enthralling storytelling. I have enjoyed every one of her books. They all have pulled me in completely with their wonderful plots. Thank you, Mingmei for sending it along! I'm also interested to read Jill McCroskey Coupe's first novel, true stories at the smoky view. And, Opening Belle by Maureen Sherry looks like it's going to be a fun read, with a bit of that tongue in cheek humor that I enjoy from time to time! Then the eGalley's filling my eReader are filling the internet with a lot of buzz, the new books by Chris Cleave and Chris Bohjalian have been highly anticipated and both look like they will not disappoint us. Mermaid Moon by Colleen Cable and Glory Over Everything by Kathleen Grissom both had a lot of great press. And Here are the blurbs of those books and links to their full descriptions...

The Books:

The Witch's Market by Mingmei Yip
a beautifully written novel of self-discovery and intrigue. Chinese-American assistant professor Eileen Chen specializes in folk religion at her San Francisco college. Though her grandmother made her living as a shamaness, Eileen publicly dismisses witchcraft as mere superstition. Yet privately, the subject intrigues her.

true stories at the smoky view by Jill McCroskey Coupe
After attending the funeral of her estranged friend Skip in Knoxville, Tennessee, Vrai (short for Vraiment), a forty-something art history librarian with sons of her own, rescues ten-year-old Jonathan, who has been abandoned with no shoes in the funeral home parking lot. The Blizzard of 1993 strands this unlikely duo at the Smoky View Motel, where, motivated in part by the unsolved murders of Jonathan s parents, they begin to uncover the truth about Skip s death.

Opening Belle by Maureen Sherry
A whip-smart and funny novel told by a former Wall Street insider who reveals what it’s like for a working woman to balance love, ambition, and family in a world of glamorous excess, outrageous risk-taking, and jaw-dropping sexism.


Mermaid Moon by Colleen Cable
Mallory's mother died fifteen years ago. But her father's last words on the phone were     unmistakable: “Find . . . mother.”

Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave
A spellbinding novel about three unforgettable individuals thrown together by war, love, and their search for belonging in the ever-changing landscape of WWII London.

The Guest Room by Chris Bohjalian
The spellbinding tale of a party gone horribly wrong: two men lie dead in a suburban living room, two women are on the run from police, and a marriage is ripping apart at the seams.

Glory Over Everything by Kathleen Grissom
The continued story (from The Kitchen House) of Jamie Pyke, son of both a slave and master of Tall Oakes, whose deadly secret compels him to take a treacherous journey through the Underground Railroad.

Hope you found something interesting here! I'll be reading and reviewing these books soon, so stop back to see what I thought. In the meantime, check out what other bloggers have received in their mailboxes at the Mailbox Monday blog!


Mary (Bookfan) said...

They all look good especially the Cleave and Coble books.

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Mary!
Yes, being the readaholic I am I have started both of these books and both are so interesting! I'm going to stick with the Coble book first though.

Thanks for stopping by!

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Vicki! Yes, Mermaid Moon is the one I'm going to start with. Although I usually have more than one going if I'm using the eReader. ;-)

Jo @ Booklover Book Reviews said...

What great titles - lucky you Suzanne! The Cleave and Bohjalian titles do sound really good.

And while you're obviously a Mingmei Yip aficionado having read all her titles, have you seen our interview with her in late 2014 for the release of Memoirs of a Courtesan?

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Jo!
Thank you so much for the link to the Mingmei Yip interview! It is wonderful! Yes, I love her books! She just has a wonderful sense of humor and adventure.

Thanks also for stopping by!

Elizabeth said...

What a cute In My Mailbox photo. Love it.

ENJOY your books...I hope they are all good.

Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday

Suzanne Yester said...

Thanks Elizabeth! I hope they all turn out to be winners too!

Thanks for stopping by!

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