Literary Quote of the Month

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Sunday Salon and The Night I Spent with Garth Stein (Thanks to an Indie Bookstore)...

Welcome to The Sunday Salon! It's that day of the week we sit back and chat virtually with all our bookish friends. So, grab a cup of Joe, find a comfy chair and let's talk books… or better yet, let's talk about my Saturday night with author, Garth Stein

It was a cold and dreary day in Connecticut yesterday, a sudden snow storm had left piles of new snow the day before that was now melting. But all was sunshine and anticipation as I prepared for my date with Garth. It was saturday night and there was just a sliver of moon. With much anticipation I got into my car… we were meeting at the library... Actually, me and 50 or so other women (yes, there were even a few men) were meeting him at the library, because thanks to Independent bookstore, Byrd's Books, Garth was doing a reading and presentation of his new book, A Sudden Light

First, let me say, having a wonderful writer like Garth Stein fly in from Seattle to our little town in Connecticut, is very special. Meeting your favorite writer, being able to ask a question or just listening to an author read from his work is wonderful. Garth was charming and funny, and truly enjoyed interacting with the audience. I have to give him a lot of credit too, because he was working on only a few hours sleep due to his original flight on friday being canceled due to snow and having to take a flight on saturday.

Hosting events like this is another reason why Independent bookstores are special too. Independent bookstores are about reading, authors and nourishing what we as readers like - getting lost in a good book. Of course there is still a bottom line in an Independent bookstore, but before you get there (the bottom line), there is a a shared love of reading. Thank you Byrd's Books for treating our community to this wonderful reading event! Now more on the event and Garth Stein…

You may remember a little book called The Art of Racing in The Rain. That was the amazing little story told by Enzo (the family dog) on the eve of his death, taking stock of his life, sharing the ups and downs of his human family and written by Garth Stein in 2008. Smash hit, numerous awards and literally put (ok, not funny) Garth in the hands of many new readers. But after reading The Art of Racing in The Rain, we wanted MORE! Garth had two books previously published, How Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets and How Raven Stole the Moon, which I really enjoyed, here's my review, but after reading the latest you look towards the future… and that future was A Sudden Light just published this past September. Thanks to Simon & Schuster, I had the opportunity to read A Sudden Light before it was published and LOVED IT! (Here's my review). All of which leads us to my date night (ok, me and 50 other women… the men too) with Garth last night…

Hosted by Independent bookstore, Byrd's Books of  Bethel, CT. and held at the Ruth Haas Library at Western Connecticut State University, Garth Stein walked nonchalantly into the library about 6:15pm. AND he had SWAG! First he walked around giving everyone these cool matchboxes that looked like miniature A Sudden Light books (Very cool), then he handed out Enzo pins, and finally Enzo temporary tattoos! Then he walked up to the podium and started talking, about independent bookstores, about The Art of Racing in The Rain, about his independent film making career, about his connection to Danbury, Ct . (my little home in Connecticut), about his inspiration for writing A Sudden Light, and about being a writer. He was so interesting (ok, he was cute too) and everyone seemed to have a great time. After his presentation, which seemed more like talking to an old friend, he answered questions from the audience and then signed our books on the way out. Thank you Garth for coming to our little town and thank you Byrd's Books for hosting the event!

Want to learn more about Garth Stein and his books? Here's the link to Garth's Website! Want to learn more about Byrd's Books? Here's a link to Byrd's Books Website ( you can even order books there!)

What better way to spend a saturday night?! ...Ok, now how about your next book Garth! ;-)

Happy reading… Suzanne


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

You are right. There is no better way to spend a Saturday night!

Here's my Sunday Salon!

Vasilly said...

What a great way to spend a Saturday night! I wish there were more indie stores in my area! ;-)

Harvee44 said...

I'll certainly look him up. Wonderful Saturday night!

Bryan G. Robinson said...

That is very cool, especially when you have a hometown connection.

I have yet to see an author speak. I was supposed to go see Sherman Alexie a couple of years ago and it got cancelled - twice because of weather. I'm hoping to have better luck seeing David Sedaris here in the near future.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

You lucky girl. Sounds like a dreamy night! My Weekly Sunday Salon

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Deb!
Yes, it was a wonderful night! And Garth is a big supporter of libraries too, he talked about how much he appreciated librarians!

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Vasilly!
A lot of fun. Garth is a great speaker. He spoke at our local library a few years back when The Art of Racing in the Rain came out. It's definitely a plus to have an Indie bookstore, and the owners of this one are very community oriented.

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Harvee!
If you haven't read The Art of Racing in the Rain, I think you would really enjoy it. Definitely the new book!

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Bryan!
It is really fun to see most authors speak, and I try to go to any events that I can. I live in a pretty small town, but every once in a while someone will visit us. The first event I ever went to was Mary Higgins Clark and she was the nicest person, very elegant and sweet.

Suzanne Yester said...

Hi Anne,
Yes, dreamy would some it up ;-)

Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll) said...

Sounds like a very special evening!

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