It's been crazy cold & snowing like anything in Connecticut the past few weeks, and I'm really over winter now! Spring can't come soon enough for me or soon enough for some great books! So, I thought I would leave the snow & cold behind today and look towards some great books coming this Spring…

Seldom has the American heartland been so richly and accurately portrayed. Though the town may have changed, the one thing that hasn’t is the beauty of the Wisconsin farmland, the lure of which emerges as a vibrant character in the story.
This book is betting plenty of positive buzz from the publishing industry. It sounds like a wonderful story of friendship with a wonderful backdrop. A kind of book you can sit back and relax to read, but something you should still be able to sink your teeth in. I have not been able to read any excerpts, so I'm not sure about the writing, but I'm putting this on my tbr list anyway. Shotgun Lovesongs is being published by Thomas Dunne Books and is coming out March 11, 2014.

In a mining town in Germany, the orphan Werner grows up with his younger sister, enchanted by a crude radio they find. Werner becomes an expert at building and fixing these crucial new instruments, a talent that wins him a place at a brutal academy for Hitler Youth, then a special assignment to track the resistance. More and more aware of the human cost of his intelligence, Werner travels through the heart of the war and, finally, into Saint-Malo, where his story and Marie- Laure’s converge.
This book has gotten amazing pre publishing praise! The word is that the "imagery is stunning", and the writing is "moving". Anthony Doerr certainly put his time in with investing 10 years to write this novel. This time period has produced some amazing fiction, including The Book Thief, and if all the hype is true, I think this is going to be a must read this year. Sounds like a potential great book club read too. All The Light We Cannot See is being published by Scribner and pub date of May 6, 2014. On my TBR list now.

This is a graphic novel coming out of First Second Books, and that alone piques me interest because the last two graphic novels I have really enjoyed have been published by them (Sailor Twain, Relish). The combination of Chinese folklore and what appears to be a fun adventure should make this a good graphic novel. The sample of the artwork for The Undertaking of Lily Chen, did not blow me away, but I'm counting on the story to make up for that. Publication date is March 25th, 2014. On my wish list.

*Congrats to Heather C. for winning the Happy Blogoversary giveaway of ANY book I reviewed over the past 4 years! Heather chose to receive a copy of Dark Witch by Nora Roberts, the first in her Nora Roberts newest trilogy set in Ireland with family curses, witches and as always a nice touch of romance.
*Congrats to Linda K. for winning a copy of the Audiobook Love & War by Mary Matalin and James Carville during the Memoir Monday blogoversary giveaway. A great book that goes beyond politics and policies to a story of love, kids and trying to remain sane in a Washington, DC existence.
*My review for Love & War by Mary Matalin and James Carville was posted for Memoir Monday, February 17th. I really enjoyed their story and their reading alternate sections was wonderful.
Personal Update… Last week was a busy one for me as I endured physical therapy 3 times a week, plus a rigorous regime at home. Whew! I'm out of the wheelchair and learning to walk with the aid of a walker. My arms will probably look like Hulk Hogans until I build up the strength in my legs! But I have a nice pile of books now to catch up with! INCLUDING a wonderful little book form Little, Brown and Company called Black Lake by Johanna Lane. Watch out for a review of this little gem next week- it was a wonderful surprise when I found it in the mail and it was even more wonderful as I opened it up to get a feel for it and could not put it down.
So, how was your reading week?! Any books you're looking forward to this Spring?! Share what you've found, I'd love to hear about them all!
Happy reading… Suzanne
I'm not usually into new books so not really anything I can think of, off the top of my head, for this spring. It looks like you have some good ones here, though. I'll have to watch for them at the library where I work.
I can see that I need to add the new Doerr book to my wishlist.
So glad you are out of the wheelchair!! YAY! Good luck with the walker. Hope you will be done with it soon too.
Hope you have a speedy recovery. I think I might check out a couple books coming out in March perhaps Roosevelt's Beast might be good. Thanks for the heads up on your picks too.
I hope to look for The Undertaking of Lily Chen, now being more interested in graphic books!
Boought and read All the Light We Cannot See, a marvelous book!
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