How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World
The Art of Living with Style, Class, and Grace
This smart and sassy guide shows young women how to find their own glamorous style, professional success, and love with class and grace.
In a society driven by celebutante news and myspace.com profiles, women of class, style, and charm are hard to come by. But as thongs, rehab, and outrageous behavior burn up the daily headlines, employers still like to see a tailored suit, men still want women they can take home to their moms, and peers still respect professional conduct.
Christy helps women channel their inner Kate or Audrey, dusting off old-fashioned virtues and giving them a whole new spin in today’s sexed-up culture.
She shows how modern women can be beautiful, intelligent, and have it all — glamorous style, professional success, and true love and keep their values and morals intact along the way.
What Did I Think ?!...
What a wonderful little book! Even the cover is classy! Jordan Christy shows us girls that classy is back! With her wonderful advise we learn to win the guy, get the job, make & keep wonderful friends and look like a million dollars with a little effort and good choices! Jordan doesn't preach to us, wagging her finger at us - In her hip voice she shows us how being chic, sophisticated and modest fares better than "leaving nothing to the imagination". Her message is simple- respect yourself and you will be respected... and get the guy, and the job and ...
Her advise isn't a cookie cutter printout either. Jordan takes into consideration your personal style while she's giving her advise with cute quizzes throughout the book, such as The Hepburn Guide to Self-Respect Quiz to find out what your image is saying about you. Or The Personal Style quiz, which afterwards depending on how you answered she virtually goes through your closet and tells you what to toss and what to keep. She also talks about friendships- how to have good friend habits and ways to enjoy your friends (Start your own book club is one of her GREAT ideas!) And part of Jordan's suggestions to celebrate your friendships is with a dinner party, which she includes ideas for themes AND a few choice RECIPES (one of which is Gooey German Chocolate Bars!).
With the book divided into chapters, with cute titles such as Keep Your Chin Up and Your Skirt Down, Choose Your Friends Wisely, Let Him Come Calling, and Less is More, you will find a lot of advise, examples and a quiz or two, dished out in a fun way! And what a great book to give as a gift to any young lady starting out in life! But girls of all ages will appreciate this book! Jordan Christy shows us all what a good role model is! A small book with a big message! And I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!
In Jordan's own words...
"The idea for How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World really started in junior high, when I felt surrounded by "stupid girls." It seemed that the smart, classy, modest girls were always the minority. Then, little by little, certain celebrities began making headline news on a daily basis with their bad behavior and late-night antics, and I couldn't help but wonder...why were these girls the ones representing our female gender? Why were we just sitting back and allowing our timeless values and standards to be trampled into the ground by their stiletto heels? By the time I reached my 20's, I realized that many other girls felt the same way I did, and set out to make intelligence, self-respect and class attractive again."
"HOW TO BE A HEPBURN IN A HILTON WORLD is much more than a book – it’s a call to action for women everywhere to stop puttering along this life trail of tube tops, hangovers & jail time, & learn how to find success, style & love...the classy way"
Would you like to learn more About Jordan Christy? Here's a link to her website!
And a Big Thank you to Valerie of Hachette Book Group for sharing this book with me! Thanks Valerie! Loved it!
Me and my daughter would both enjoy this book! Thanks for the review...
It really is an great book for the young ladies out there that are just learning who they are. It is so tough being young!
I really do love this book. I have heard many reviews and i believe that all self respecting girls should read thid book and if they only take away one point from it then it was well worth their time.
I LOVE THIS BOOK! I love it so much that I’ve actually added an online book club to my blog just to inspire more people to read this book… it’s amazing! If you’re interested in readying along and getting with the conversation, you can join us here: www.weartostandout.com/blog/how-to-be-a-hepburn-in-a-hilton-world and tell us what you think! xoxo, WearToStandOut
THIS IS GREAT! Good guys are hard to find and the wrong ones seems to come out of everywhere, but we have some great dating pointers on our blog too and you can check them out here www.weartostandout.com/blog/how-to-be-a-hepburn-in-a-hilton-world-chapter-five and tell us what you think! xoxo, WearToStandOut
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