Karin Slaughter is the New York Times bestselling author of eight novels, including Beyond Reach and A Faint Cold Fear, which was named an International Book of the Month selection. In an interview with Time.com Karin was asked how she did research for her books. Her answer was "I just start thinking about different crimes that I've seen in the news, or that I know about from my childhood." And she does a great job putting it all down on paper! She also loves reading Anne Rule, the leading true crime writer. She is a native of Georgia, where she currently lives and is working on her next novel, which Delacorte Press will publish in 2010.
About the Book:
In the trauma center of Atlanta’s busiest hospital, Sara Linton treats the city’s poor, wounded, and unlucky—and finds refuge from the tragedy that rocked her life in rural Grant County. Then, in one instant, Sara is thrust into a frantic police investigation, coming face-to-face with a tall driven detective and his quiet female partner…. In Undone, three unforgettable characters from Karin Slaughter’s New York Times bestselling novels Faithless and Fractured collide for the first time, entering an electrifying race against the clock—and a duel with unspeakable human evil.
In the backwoods of suburban Atlanta, where Sara’s patient was found, local police have set up their investigation. But Georgia Bureau of Investigation detective Will Trent doesn’t wait for the go-ahead from his boss—he plunges through police lines, through the brooding woods, and single-handedly exposes a hidden house of horror buried beneath the earth. Then he finds another victim.…
Wresting the case away from the local police chief, Will and his partner, Faith Mitchell—a woman keeping explosive secrets of her own—are called into a related investigation. Another woman—a smart, upscale, independent young mother—has been snatched. For the two cops out on the hunt, for the doctor trying to bring her patient back to life, the truth hits like a hammer: the killer’s torture chamber has been found, but the killer is still at work.
In her latest suspense masterpiece, Karin Slaughter weaves together the moving, powerful human stories of characters as real as they are complex and unforgettable. At the same time she has crafted a work of dazzling storytelling and spine-tingling mystery—as three people, each with their own wounds and their own secrets, are all that stands between a madman and his next crime.
What did I think of Undone? This book will satisfy your need for mystery & suspense! I had never read Karin Slaughter before, but this will not be my last book by the author! I was immediately drawn into the story, with well developed characters and a great plot! And for fans of Karin Slaughter, the three main characters in Undone are from 2 different series- Sara Linton is from the Grant County series and Will Trent & Faith Mitchell are from the Atlanta series. I didn't know this when I started reading Undone, and it didn't seem to matter- I didn't feel I needed to know the history of the characters to enjoy the story. Although I did grow to like the characters & got to know their history along the way and I credit this to the fantastic writing of the author. If you like crime fiction, with a good dose of suspense, this is a book for you! The story hooked me from the beginning and the great writing kept me turning the pages!
You can visit Karin Slaughter’s website at http://www.karinslaughter.com/ . Would you like to read an excerpt? Here's a Link to the first chapter!
AND NOW for a little surprise! Jaime from Pump Up Your Book Promotions, who coordinated Karin's Virtual Book Tour, send me an extra copy of Undone so I could give it away to one of my lucky readers! And since I'll be mailing it out myself I'm going to open this up to my international readers too! So, if I can mail a book to you thru the Post Office you are eligible to enter! Thanks Jaime for the review book! I loved the book! And thank you for the extra book for the giveaway!
To Enter this Giveaway...
*For one entry leave me a comment with your email address!
*You'll get an extra entry for following my blog! Just leave a comment letting me know you're a follower! ( you can also become a follower to get an extra entry! Just let me know you became a new follower!)
*For another entry Blog or tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link.
This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents, plus anywhere I can mail a book thru the post office! (No P.O. Boxes, please) Contest ends 11:59 pm EST on Sept. 19th. I'll randomly pick the winner the next day and email that person. Please check your email... winner must reply to me within 3 days...
Good luck everyone!

This book sounds so good. Thank you so much for the great contest!
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Amy M
atc218 at aol dot com
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dcf_beth at verizon dot net
Been reading good reviews of this one - please count me in
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msboatgal at aol.com
I love Karin Slaughter!
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Sounds like a great book! Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!
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Love your blog! please include me in the drawing
ihpie at yahoo.com
Love Karin Slaughter. Have not read Undone, but heard that it's great. I would love to win this copy. Thanks for posting this giveway.
Wendy C.
Also, retweeted on Twitter: @wendyreads09
Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
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OHHHH I just love mysteries, count me in please.
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Can't wait to read this book, please count me in !
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This book sounds great!
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chey127 at hotmail dot com
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I love Karin's Grant County series, but haven't read the Atlanta series.
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janie1215 AT excite DOT com
I'd love to win this book!
dancealert at aol dot com
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dancealert at aol dot com
Man, you're popular!
No need to enter me, my friend. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.
Thanks for the giveaway. I woul love to win this book.
+1 Already a follower of yours
I'd like to be included! tWarner419@aol.com
Please enter me.
good lookin thriller, count me in
i am really now a follower ( after some confusion on my part)
I've heard good things about Karin Slaughter - I'd love to try this book.
teetersj at gmail dot com
carlos_durao AT hotmail DOT com
Thanks for this opportunity!
I'd love an entry please.
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I've been thinking I want to read something by this author-- please enter me.
And I'm now a follower-- I've stuck with Google reader in the past, we'll see how this follow thing works out :-).
i-comment at deLeons dot com
Please enter me.
This book sounds amazing and what a brilliant name for a writer of crime fiction.She loves Ann Rule?That means she has great taste.
Please enter me
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will tweet via your re tweet button
e mail:yk AT toptruecrimebooks DOT com
Thanks for this!!
I have never read anything by Karin Slaughter, but after the reviews I have been reading, I am taking note! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks!
Hi Suzanne, I finally posted on the award you sent me, plus I have passed on another award to you, so drop by.
The Karin Slaughter novel sounds like an interesting read.
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bacchus76 at myself dot com
I'd love to read this! Thanks for sharing it.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
count me in please
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throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
Good review...thanks for the chance.
LooseEnds AT Snet Dot Net
New follower..Thanks
LooseEnds AT Snet Dot Net
Good review - makes me want to read the book!
Sounds like my type of book! Please enter me.
benolfe at yahoo dot com
(there's a lot of Beth's following!)
Sounds great! I'm looking for a new thriller to sink my teeth into..
Am really looking forward to reading this book - please count me in!
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
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Definitely sounds creepy! Please enter me.
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I posted your giveaway on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com
Please count me in.
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simplystacieblog (at) gmail (dot) com
thanks for the opportunity to read this one...great review.
karen k
This is on my wish list!
Do count me in..
Please enter my email for this book giveaway
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would like to enter.
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I adore Karin's novels and have not yet read Undone. Thank you for this chance.
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Well, count me in!
educhico AT gmail DOT com
I haven't read a good crime/mystry in quite a a while and this book sounds like a good one to start back in with.
I just became a follower - found you through twitter (I think - too much clicking today to be positive).
bookobsessed (at) comcast.net
I would love to read this.
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Sounds like a great read - I haven't read a good suspense book in awhile!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I like a good suspense book. Please include me in the giveaway.
I'd love to read this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Already following with Google Friend Connect
This book sounds so good. I would love to read it. Suspense is my favorite books. Please enter me. Thanks!
Please enter me in the drawing. Hubby and I both read suspense and mystery.
Sounds chilling, just the way we like it!
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Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
This is JUST the kind of book I love - Please enter me and thank you very much :)
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I just signed up to follow on Google this morning :)
Please add me to the drawing for this book.
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kkhaas AT bellsouth DOT net
Good luck to everyone!
o_rei_de_havana AT hotmail DOT com
I hope I'm not too late. Please enter me.
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Please inlcude me in your giveaway.
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Could I enter, please? Thanks for opening this up to international readers! :)
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Email: kiwibooklover at gmail dot com
Thanks for the contest!
Please count me in and thank you for making it international.
I'd love to read this book. Thanks for the chance.
I've heard good things about this book! I'd really like to read it! Thank you for the giveaway!
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Carol M
mittens0831 at aol dot com
Great giveaway!
catarina DOT magoito AT gmail DOT com
Oh, I would really like to win this one!
39 DOT 5susy AT gmail DOT com
Hello and thank you for this!
This seems like a great read!
Count me in!
goncalo.mil AT gmail.com
A friend just warned me about this!
Great giveaway!
joanapatriciadias AT gmail DOT com
Oh, seems like a great book!
Count me in, pleaseeeeeeeeee!
tanitalves AT sapo DOT pt
I would like to win this book!
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I'd really enjoy reading this book!
AllMyCrazyCats @ AOL.com
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AllMyCrazyCats @ AOL.com
I follow your blog via the Ms Bookish blog. Please enter me in this contaest.
SNATCHED by Karin Slaughter is a well written short story that features one of my favorite characters, GBI Agent Will Trent. I have all of Karin's books and love them all. This may be a short story, but it's packed with action and suspense.
Will is at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta (the biggest and busiest airport in the world), when he hears a little girl cry that she wants to go home. Getting that 'gut' feeling that something was amiss, Will decides to check it out. However, he waited too long and now he can't find the girl and the aggravated man. With growing anxiety that something is wrong, Will calls his boss, Amanda Wagner and partner Faith Mitchell who immediately puts out an amber alert, based on Will's instinct. Within moments, the airport, containing thousands of people and hundreds of flights, is all on lock down.
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